
by Lendio
Bank Feed Correction: Step 1

Bank Feed Corrections Tool

I helped create a tool for Sunrise’s Bookkeepers that allowed them to reconcile customers’ books faster with improved accuracy.


What is Sunrise

Sunrise helps small businesses solve their Bookkeeping, Invoicing, and Expense Tracking needs. With a robust set of tools, Sunrise makes it easier for small businesses to focus on growing their business while we take care of the day-to-day accounting tasks.

Bookkeeping Efficiency Team

Charter: To simplify the bookkeeping experience without compromising core general accepted accounting principles (GAAP), including the creation of financial reports, efficient delivery of professional services, and accurate tax preparation.

CompanyLendio / Sunrise
RoleSr. UX Designer
PMJoshua W.
DeveloperAndrew M.
DeveloperQuinn L.
DeveloperOleg K.


The Sunrise Process

  • Weekly empathy hour (Sales, CX, Bookkeepers)
  • Interviews / Lunch with Users
  • Monthly Bookkeeper meeting 
  • Bug submission
  • Bookkeeper Request List
  • Competitor Analysis



Every month, Sunrise Bookkeepers help reconcile customers’ books by checking the account balance from the bank and comparing it to the running balance in Sunrise. Often, this balance wouldn’t match due to missing or duplicated transactions. The Bookkeepers would then spend hours each month trying to correct the customer’s books by finding the missing or duplicated transactions.



To better understand the problem and to help us gain empathy for our users, we interviewed eight bookkeepers. These interviews allowed the bookkeepers to share their reconciliation process and unique pain points. 


  • All Bookkeepers have access to their customer’s comma-separated values (CSV)
  • The customer’s CSV is the source of truth when reconciling an account 


To help us get the most accurate information about our Bookkeeper’s process, we observed ten different bookkeepers reconciling customers’ accounts. Six were on Fullstory, and four were in person. 


  • Each Bookkeeper had their own unique way of reconciling 
  • Bookkeepers often had more missing transactions than duplicated transaction


Design a tool that allows Bookkeepers to upload a customer’s CSV file to quickly identify missing or duplicated transactions, saving hours of Bookkeeper’s time.




Total Hours Saved*


Total Imported Missing Transactions


Total Deleted Duplicate Transactions

*1 hour saved for every 1,000 transactions
From March 29, 2020 to March 28 2021