4. The Dark World

Tales from Bramble: The Dark World

Chapter 4


The team arrived safely back to Bramble after successfully rescuing Rymick from the gallows. They tell Rymick about Helgo and their mission to the Tower of the Six Mages. The team asked Rymick to read the sacred scrolls they found in the Tower. Rymick explains it contains information about a Multi-Dimensional Staff located in the Dark World. The Dark World is a planet in a different dimension. A long time ago, it was home to thousands of Wizards. They used the world to study and train. But, with the Day of Wizards gone, the Dark World has become home to goblins, orcs and other evil. Many magical artifacts, like the Multi-Dimensional Staff, were left behind by the wizards. The Staff has the power to pull evil creatures from other dimensions. With the staff, Helgo would be able to release evil into their world. The team needed to obtain the Multi-Dimensional Staff before Helgo found it. Rymick proceeded to draw a circle on the ground with arcane symbols filling the space. The sketched circle on the ground started to glow blue once Rymick finished his work. Rymick presented a sketch of his arcane symbols and a magical piece of chalk to the team. He exampled that what he drew on the ground was a teleport that will take them to the Dark World and if they recreated it with the magical chalk it would create a teleport back to Bramble. Rymick warned the team that the dark world is full of evil and giant creatures. Don’t delay and find the Staff before Helgo does. Time is of the essence. Rymick told the team that he couldn’t join them because he was going to inform the Council of Mages of Helgo’s plot. The team steped into the glowing circle. Once they were all inside, a beam of light surrounded them and took them to the Dark World.


Find and retrieve the Multi-Dimensional Staff before Helgo.

  • The team started at the mouth of a cave and followed a shallow river to the top of a 20-foot waterfall. The team spot a few goblins and kill them.
  • The team discovers a secret passage located behind the waterfall.
  • At a junction, the team made a left turn. At the end of the tunnel was a large stone door with a phrase written in elvish, “Spill blood to open doors.” The door didn’t open when the team tried Goblin blood. Reven, a human, offered some of her blood. Nothing. When Valimal, an Elf offered his blood, the door opened. Inside, the team found the Necklace of Fireballs and the Dust of Disappearing. After they retrieved the goods, the door closed. Bunko, an elf, offered his blood and the door reopened.
  • The team went back to the junction and went right. This tunnel was full of thick spider web. Karnura leads the way with a torch, burning a path. Two Giant Spiders attack the team.
  • Once the team defeated the spiders, they journeyed forward in the tunnel where it opened up into a large cave. The cave had a lava pit blocking their exit. The team rolled large boulders into the lava pit and jumped across safely.
  • The team was in a long tunnel with three exits. Valimal explored a small cave of mushrooms when the floor collapsed. He fell safely because of his Ring of Feather Falling. The team pulled him up.
  • The team moved forward and noticed a campfire in a cave at the end of the tunnel. The team entered the cave where with the campfire and were suddenly lifted off the ground by a net. A handful of Goblins came out of their hiding place and celebrated their catch. The team cut themselves free from the net. After they killed the Goblins, the team found the Sword of Life Stealing in the Goblins pile of loot.
  • The Team left the cave and journey down the last passage. The tunnel opened up revealing a large room with stairs that led to a giant door that was cracked opened. Voices could be heard coming from the room behind the doors. The team hid behind the doors. Karnura played his bagpipes to draw the people out. The team killed two guards that came out of the room to investigate the noise.
  • Once they entered the room, the team saw Helgo. He held the Multi-Dimensional Staff. Helgo then summoned a Shadow Demon. The team managed to kill Helgo and obtained the Multi-Dimensional Staff. The Demon left after his master died.
  • The team used Rymicks magic chalk and created a portal back home.

I used the Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated: Dungeon set to create this map.



Played by Craig

Race | Elf
Class | Rogue
Level | 3

Fomo Bono

Played by Ryan

Race | Elf
Class | Paladin
Level | 3


Played by Zach

Race | Dragonborn
Class | Ranger
Level | 3

Raven Marvel

Played by Katie

Race | Human
Class | Monk
Level | 3


Played by Colby

Race | Elf
Class | Rogue
Level | 3


Played by Patrick

Race | Elf
Class | Rogue
Level | 3