After the successful rescue mission of Rollin, the team set off to the Kingdom of Bramble. The team was stopped by a Half-Elf man and his guards as they approached the village of Aspenhill. The man introduced himself as Helgo. The Half-Elf man offered to buy Rollin from the group. The team decided not to sell Rollin or the map. Helgo told the group he didn’t want the conversation to go this way. Helgo then held up his fist. A few moments later the team noticed smoke coming from Aspenhill. The team ran into the village to find it all in flames with all the locals locked in a burning chapel.
Distracted by the loss of the teams home and town, Helgo confronted Rollin and chopped off his arm. The team ran to assist Rollin just as Helgo escaped. After addressing Rollin wound, the team discovered that Rollin was carrying a decoy scroll. The information tattooed on Rollins’ arm was the real map. It was instructions to a sacred relic. Rollin begged the team to travel to the Tower of the Six Mages to retrieve the original information that was on his arm. Wanting vengeance for Helog’s actions, the team agree to help Rollin. Once the team arrived at the Tower of the Six Mages, they discovered that Helgo’s men have previously been there looking for the map.
Ventur into the Tower of the Six Mages and find the original map.Â
I used the Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated: Dungeons set to create this map.
Race | Elf
Class | Paladin
Level | 2
Race | Dragonborn
Class | Ranger
Level | 2
Race | Elf
Class | Ranger
Level | 2
Race | Elf
Class | Rogue
Level | 2